DATE:  15 March 2022






Executive Director of Place, Planning and Regeneration






1.1       To approve the Highways and Transport Capital Programme for 2022/23 and its implementation as set out in the body of the report and Annex 1.




2.1        That the overall Highways and Transport Capital Programme for 2022/23 (Annex 1) is approved.




3.1       The proposals in this report seek to facilitate transport in line with the Council’s Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) and ensure that the Council maintains the highway in as good a condition as resources allow, having due regard to the Council’s intervention policy based on network condition.    




4.1       Failure to approve the Highways and Transport Capital Programme would prevent the delivery of the Council’s obligations as a Highway Authority and be contrary to the position set out in the Council’s adopted Transport Policy (LPT3).


4.2       Given the reduction in highway maintenance funding levels in previous years, it would not be appropriate to allocate resources to anything other than the priorities identified through methodical and objective needs assessments.




5.1       The overall Highways and Transport Capital Programme for 2022/23 totals £4.013m, of which over 85% of funding is derived from external sources. The financial sources and proposed allocation to schemes and activity areas is shown in Annex 1.


5.2       Alongside the annual DfT grants for Transport and Highway Maintenance, the programme includes further DfT funding for electric vehicle charging provision following a successful bid. Developer contributions via S106 agreements and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) supplements the programme along with a local contribution from Borough Capital of £200k to support road maintenance and a further £400k toward the essential lamp column replacement programme to address highway risk.


5.3       The Transport Capital Programme is formed to support the adopted LTP3 which sets out the key transport challenges and opportunities facing Bracknell Forest through the period 2011-2026. Schemes are developed taking account of wider policy goals alongside strategic and local transport needs such as improving access and mobility, providing travel choice, increasing highway capacity, improving road safety, expanding residential parking and managing traffic. Issues such as deliverability and public impact/acceptability are also reflected within the scheme selection. 


5.4       In recent years a number of large-scale transport improvements have been introduced on the borough’s strategic road network which are aimed at tackling congestion, providing for future growth and improving facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. Significant government funding has been sourced to deliver these projects, alongside the use of developer contributions. This work phase was completed in 2021/22.


5.5       New and sustained travel patterns are now likely to emerge as the country recovers from the COVID19 pandemic and so future work programmes will need to adapt to where greater focus is needed. This will include focusing on more sustainable modes of transport and providing residents with greater choice for everyday journeys. Supporting the government’s Active Travel, Bus and Climate Change Strategies will facilitate this.


5.6       The 2022/23 transport work programme includes schemes to support walking and cycling which, combined with provision for electric vehicles and ongoing measures to support bus use, will help contribute towards a healthier and more environmentally friendly transport system.


5.7       The Highway Maintenance Capital Programme seeks to ensure that the Council maintains the highway network in as good a condition as resources allow, giving due regard to public safety. It also supports objectives within the adopted LTP3. The Highway Maintenance programme continues to focus on the integrity of a wide range of highway assets including carriageways, highway structures, drainage and street lighting.


5.8       Despite current levels of funding, the scale of demand for planned maintenance far exceeds the available budget. For example, the identified lengths of carriageway which warrant intervention work over the next 3 years is detailed within Annex 2. Consequentially, funding must be targeted according to an assessment of need based upon the condition of assets. 


5.9       Some details of maintenance work will vary between streets and will only be fully defined once the effects of the recent winter months have been established. In the case of carriageway treatments, these will be the most appropriate for the nature and category of the individual road to ensure (i) the most cost-effective use of available budgets; and (ii) preservation of the useful life of the asset. 


5.10     Given the demands upon road network access (alongside utility works), the availability of specialist plant, weather dependant treatments and the objective of minimising local disruption it is necessary for the delivery of maintenance work to be flexible. Local Members will be advised in advance of planned works within their Ward.


5.11     The Council also makes additional provision in its revenue budget for reactive highway maintenance work. This is used for routine and urgent maintenance purposes on all highway network assets and also includes the delivery of the winter service (road gritting) and the 24/7 emergency response service. The sum allocated within 2022/23 is £2.7m.




Borough Solicitor


6.1       The approval of the Recommendation falls within the decision-making remit of the Executive under Part 2, Section 5 of the Council Constitution.


            Director: Resources


6.2       The sums detailed within the report form part of the 2022/23 Capital Programme for the Place, Planning and Regeneration Directorate. This report identifies the specific schemes on which this funding is to be allocated.




            An Equalities Impact Assessment was undertaken in preparation for the formal publication of the adopted LTP3. The actions arising from this decision are within the scope of the LTP3 EIA and no direct negative equality/diversity impacts arise from these proposed works. The identified schemes improve safety and accessibility for all road users.




The highways and transport work programme contributes positively to Council’s strategic responsibilities for public safety in respect of its duties and services.




9.1       The transport work programme incorporates walking and cycling schemes which, alongside provision for electric vehicles and wider traffic management interventions, contributes to a reduction in CO2 emissions.      


9.2       The highways work programme seeks to increase the use of low carbon materials and treatments within asset maintenance, alongside the application of low voltage or solar energy. This provides opportunities for a reduction in CO2 during the life-cycle of highway assets. 




            Highway and transport infrastructure plays a key role in supporting public health through contributions towards air quality, active travel, social connectivity and mobility. It improves access to education, employment, healthcare and other amenities and can reduce the risk of social isolation.




            Stakeholders will vary dependant on individual schemes and their impact. Applicable consultation processes will precede scheme implementation. 




Background papers




Contacts for further information


Neil Mathews – Assistant Director: Highways and Transport

01344 351163


Andrew Hunter

Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration

01344 351907